hero in scrubs with bhs

Title Sponsor:

Sumter Behavioral Health Services

Heroes come in many forms - the kinds you see on the big screen, fighting bad guys - those are make believe. But we’re surrounded by real-life heroes who provide examples of heroism every day. That’s why we’re celebrating these special people with “My Hero In Scrubs” - a chance to recognize those people that engage in subtle acts of heroism every day!

Doctors, nurses, EMT’s - the day-in, day out heroes - We want to know about the heroes in your life.

Fill out the nomination form below and tell us why someone you know is a hero. We’ll be choosing local heroes to receive a thank-you prize pack from some of our sponsors!

Exclusive Healthcare Sponsor:

Hometown Realtor Sponsor:

Exclusive Bank Sponsor:

Supporting Sponsors:

Heartbeat Sponsors: